SLAP Repair |
Phase 1: Immediate postoperative period (weeks 0-6)
Maintain / protect the integrity of repair
Gradually increase PROM
Diminish pain and inflammation
Prevent muscular inhibition
Become independent with modified ADLs
Maintain arm in KnappSak2, remove only for exercise
No shoulder AROM, lifting of objects, shoulder motion behind the back, excessive stretching or sudden movements, supporting of any weight, lifting a body weight by hands
Keep incision clean and dry
Criteria for Progression to Phase 2
Passive forward flexion to > 90°
Passive ER to 10°
Passive IR to 45°
Passive abduction > 90° in the scapular plane
Days 1 to 6
Pendulum exercises
Finger, wrist, and elbow AROM without weights
Begin scapula musculature isometrics / sets; cervical ROM
Cryotherapy for pain and inflammation
Days 3 to 6
Begin pulley exercises in forward flexion and abduction < 90°
Maintain proper posture, joint protection, positioning and hygiene
Days 7 to 28
Continue with KnappSak2 at night and day for comfort
Pendulum / pulley exercises
Begin PROM to tolerance (done supine; should be pain free)
Flexion to 90°
ER in scapular plane to 25-30°
IR in scapular plane to 55-60°
Continue elbow, wrist, and finger AROM / resisted
Submaximal isometrics for all cuff, periscapular, and shoulder musculature
Cryotherapy is needed for pain control and inflammation
May resume general conditioning program (e.g., walking, stationary bike) Aquatherapy / pool therapy may begin three weeks postoperative
Phase 2: Protection and active motion (weeks 6-12)
Allow healing of soft tissue
Do not overstress healing tissue
Gradually restore full PROM (weeks 4-5)
Decrease pain and inflammation
No lifting
No supporting body weight with hands and arms
No sudden jerking motions
Avoid upper extremity bike and ergometer
Criteria for progression to Phase 3
Weeks 5-6
Discontinue KnappSak2 at night
Between weeks 4-6, use KnappSak2 for comfort only
Discontinue KnappSak2 at end of week 6
Gradually improve PROM and AROM
Flexion and elevation in the plane of the scapula to 145°
Abduction to 145°
External rotation 45-50° at 45° abduction
Internal rotation 55-60° at 45° abduction
Extension to tolerance
Continue cryotherapy as needed
May use heat before ROM exercises
Aquatherapy OK for light AROM exercises
Ice after exercise
Weeks 6-8
Continue AROM, AAROM, and stretching exercises
Begin rotator cuff isometrics – No empty can in forward plane
Continue periscapular exercises
Gradually progress PROM and AROM
Flexion, elevation in the plane of the scapula, and abduction to 180°
External rotation 90-95° at 90° abduction
Internal rotation 70-75° at 90° abduction
Extension to tolerance
AAROM = active assisted range of motion
ADL = activity of daily living
AROM = active range of motion
ER = external rotation
IR = internal rotation
PROM = passive range of motion
ROM = range of motion
Phase 3: Early strengthening (weeks 10-16)
Full AROM (weeks 10-16)
Maintain full PROM
Dynamic shoulder stability
Gradual restoration of shoulder strength, power, and endurance
Optimize neuromuscular control
Gradual return to functional activities
No lifting objects >5 pounds, sudden lifting or pushing activities, sudden jerking motions, overhead lifting
Avoid upper extremity bike and ergometer
Criteria for progression to Phase 4
Ability to tolerate progression to the low level functional activities
Demonstrated return of strength / dynamic shoulder stability
Reestablishment of dynamic shoulder stability
Demonstrated adequate strength and dynamic stability for progression to more demanding work- and sport-specific activities
Week 10
Continue stretching and PROM, as needed
Dynamic stabilization exercises
Progress ER PROM and AROM to thrower's motion
ER 110-115 at 90° abduction in throwers (weeks 10-12)
Progress shoulder isotonic strengthening exercises as above
Continue all stretching exercises as need to maintain ROM.
Progress ROM to functional demands (i.e., overhead athlete)
Week 12
Begin gentle resisted biceps isotonic strengthening @ week 12
Week 14
Continue all exercises listed above
Progress to fundamentals shoulder exercises
Phase 4: Advanced strengthening (weeks 16-22)
Maintain full non-painful AROM
Advance conditioning exercises for enhanced functional use
Improve muscular strength, power and endurance
Gradual return to full activities
Week 16
Continue ROM and self-capsular stretching for ROM maintenance
Continue progression of strengthening
Advance proprioceptive, neuromuscular activities
Light sports (golf chipping / wedges, tennis ground strokes) if doing well
Week 20
Continue strengthening and stretching
Continue stretching if motion is tight
Initiate interval sports program (e.g., golf, doubles tennis) if appropriate